We are right in the spring. According to traditional Chinese Medicine the spring is associated with the Liver and with the green colour. Working with the Liver is one of the most important things because this vital organ is easily affected by frustration and…
Continue reading Workshop Qigong to release stress
According to TCM the organs responsible to push the Blood in the meridians and collaterals are the Heart and the Lungs. At the same time the Liver plays a vital role as it helps drain the channels from impurities, making the paths free for…
Continue reading Workshop Qigong for Blood circulation
Days are getting shorter and shorter, the weather is cold and the lack of light is often accompanied by lack of motivation. In this workshop we will work with different organs to get centered and bring back our concentration. In particular the Spleen is…
Continue reading Workshop Qigong for concentration
14:00 – 16:00 Saturday April 17th Indicative program: Introduction Open the Kua Dantian activation Purge and detoxify Release stress Tonify and circulate new energy Liver optimization
10:30 – 12:30 Saturday March 20th Indicative program: Introduction Open the Kua Dantian activation Daily balance Confidence Meditation in motion Liver optimization