Workshop Qigong for the immune system


Qigong flow to boost the immune system

From 14:00 until 16:00

At Marienfelder Allee 20, 12277 Berlin


We are in autumn! As the tree leaves fall to cover the earth, it is a great idea to help our immune system to adjust to the coming cold season.

According to TCM the Lungs are associated with the autumn and in particular they are responsible for our Wei Qi, our energetic immune system. In this workshop, we shall focus on getting the Lungs stronger to be prepared for the cold days ahead.

This workshop is suitable for all levels.

General outline (indicative)

  • Breathing and basic position
  • Opening the Kua
  • Dantian activation
  • Short flow: tired morning
  • Flow to purge and tonify the Lungs
  • Flow for protection

After the workshop you will receive the video of the short flow to keep practising at home!

Dates qigong workshopsStandard price: 39 €

Card 4 classes: 140 €

Card 6 classes: 200 €

Wear comfortable clothing and warm socks, non-slip socks are recommended.