Qigong flows for memory and concentration
From 14:00 until 16:00
At Marienfelder Allee 20, 12277 Berlin
Days are getting shorter and shorter, the weather is cold and the lack of light is often accompanied by lack of motivation. In this workshop we will work with different organs to get centered and bring back our concentration. In particular the Spleen is responsible for our capacity to concentrate over a period of time, the Kidneys are associated with the short-term memory and the Heart with the long-term memory.
This workshop is suitable for all levels.
General outline (indicative)
- Breathing and basic position
- Opening the Kua
- Dantian activation
- Short flow: trust
- Flow for healthy confidence
- Central channel meditation
After the workshop you will receive the video of the short flow to keep practising at home!
Card 4 classes: 140 €
Card 6 classes: 200 €
Wear comfortable clothing and warm socks, non-slip socks are recommended.